SYST3M H4CK3R 2000
SYST3M H4CK3R 2000 is a game we created, with classmates, during the Ludum Dare 49. The theme of this Ludum Dare was "Unstable".
You play as a hacker who's trying to access the computer of the CEO of Ludum Inc's. Your mission is to gain access to some specific data, but you have to be sneaky or the security, and the CIA, will find you.
My work on the project
Password mini-game
I programmed the first mini-game, where you have to put some operations in ascending orders to find the computer's password.
Once you started the mini-game, you got a limited time to finish it.
Data-mining mini-game
I progammed another mini-game, in which you got to doucle-click on folders to steal their data.
Once you started the mini-game, you got a limited time to finish it.
Final enigma
I integrated the final enigma of the game, which you can access when you've finished the 3 mini-games.

Desktop integration
I also intregated the "desktop menu", where you can access to 2 mini-games and the final enigma.